
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Alex's Doodling.

I happened upon some of Alex's doodles the other day.  I have to say, this kid's got talent.  Both of my kids can draw.  Aaron knows it. "I just need to do it more."  Well, yeah!
Alex is allowing me to share with you his artwork.  He likes to doodle, but he can also draw very well.  He is able to get onto paper things I struggle with.  He is very skilled at getting perspective onto paper.  Very good at it.  It flows out of him like his breathing; easy and light. 

I love these characters.  No, these are not totally his creation.  They are based on either a cartoon or a comic that he likes.  I love them.  Now he has added his own and is getting very good at drawing these girls.  

I have asked him if he could draw one of these girls to be like me.  He said he could.  I'm still waiting.  That's okay, I know it can't be rushed, that art!   

Another piece.  I find myself staring into this and never getting bored:

 I love this one.  I don't need to understand it.  I just love it.  I love the chain.  I love his lettering.  

Finally, an odd (er) piece.  

The membrane in the center represents a plane which divides these two areas of space.  I love my son's mind and how it creates these amazing places where I'd like to visit or write a story about.   Who knows!?  

Thank you for reading. Alex thanks you for looking.  

Keep drawing!

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